YOUR The Campaign →

Our strategy process led to the essence of a powerful calling card for the brand.
It took into consideration higher order societal human goals that the company is trying to solve.

  • Strategy
  • Identity
  • Digital
  • Retail
  • Communications

Everenviro is a climate services company set up by Eversource (partnership between Everstone & Lightsource). It aims to mitigate pressing environmental problems through businesses focused on circularity, carbon neutrality, waste management & recycling among others.

POV was brought on-board to rebrand Everenviro through a concerted brand strategy exercise that led to architecture clarity, development of its identity, visual language, design systems, positioning & communications, environment/ambient, digital and deliverables.

EverEnviro is a
pioneer in various types of
climate solution businesses


Not only did our work pave the way for the birth of a global climate services brand but also created the template on how to launch sub brands within their portfolio.